The Dunvegan Community Trust New Website Launch, April 2023

Dunvegan Community Trust’s application to become a SCIO has been approved by OSCR and was approved by Scottish Land ministers as compliant with community right to buy legislation in January 2023.

This fundamental change in structure makes DCT a more robust vehicle for driving local projects forwards, like supporting the re-design of Dunvegan Playpark, addressing the needs for affordable housing, and legacy projects like community owned renewables. 

DCT is a vehicle – it is driven by its members and committee. Some large projects, particularly those using right to buy legislation, may require formal ballots, so a membership that is representative of the community is essential. Please register to become a member! 

We’re excited about the launch of this website as a tool to help organise and actively pursue our goals. Through it, the trustees will be able to share news with its membership, and there is great functionality for working groups to communicate within it.

One of the key benefits of the new SCIO structure, is for established local groups struggling to form a committee, or drive important projects forward, now have the option of becoming a working group under the umbrella of DCT. This means that volunteer hours can be spent more on action and less on paperwork, and that projects within the working groups have the protection of the limited liability, and the support of the larger SCIO.

So far, Dunvegan Community Minibus and Dunvegan Playpark Committee have requested to come under the new SCIO and become working groups. Trustees will propose new working groups in the future and will appeal for volunteers to help drive them forward. If you have an idea for a new project / working group, please contact us.

In the coming weeks we will be uploading more content, archives of minutes and other documents, and locally relevant news, but in the meantime, if you live in the area, please sign up to become a member. 


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