Website launch! Hooray!
Dunvegan Parent Council applied for and was granted £7228 funding for a full year of forest school provision during Covid 19 and a poly club up at the school. Due to the pandemic children were encouraged to spend as much time in outdoors or in ventilated spaces as possible, so this supported their outdoor learning; the children get to grow their own fruit and veg as well as use it as an outdoor classroom.
Dunvegan Community Trust formed a new committee in early August 2020 and one of the first things we talked about was what could the trust do better. The previous committee commissioned a report on other community organisations in the Highlands and so the conversation began, firstly with a newsletter, secondly the Community Conversation. The survey itself began on 29 August and ran for two weeks. We also put paper copies in the post office and the Community Council shared the link. It has been good to hear that mostly, people feel positive and proud of our community and were open to making suggestions on how to make it better. This is just a snapshot of the conversation, and we hope it’s the first of many. Overview of Survey Results Select Anonymous Survey Responses
Dunvegan Community Hall- most recently DCT provided a grant of £1775 forimproved sanitation and maintenance during the Covid pandemic
Education and Development Grants- DCT also provides funding for educationand training, and has provided many grants over the years to local peoplepursuing further education. We have recently updated the items of ourEducation and Development Grant so please have a look!
Dunvegan Senior Citizens Lunch Club most recently received a grant of£1388.19 to support the local lunch club
Loch Dunvegan Moorings Association received a grant of £80k towardsPontoon Development, and additional funds for subsequent maintenance
Open until the 18th of Feb.
Link to DCC residents’ survey here-
DCC residents can follow instructions upon completion to enter the draw for 1 of 3 prizes of £100.
Link to young person survey here:
Link to non DCC resident survey here: