Defibrillator Project – with Dunvegan Community Council

Dunvegan Community Council approached DCT a few months ago to propose a project installing 4 defibrillators around the area. DCC have identified 4 locations :

The tablet shed in Harlosh

Replacement of the AED at The Atholl Filling Station 

Outside of the Dunvegan Community Cafe

Roag- location TBC

DCC are liasing with Lucky2bhere and are looking to get them installed as soon as possible. They will be added to a national map of defibrillators so residents and visitors alike can access their locations if necessary. 

TO their purchase and installation, DCC is contributing £2000 and DCT £8000. 

There is also a British Heart Foundation fund opening up in October for a funded defibrillator so DCT will be looking at potentially getting a 5th installed in another location. 

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