Blog Masonry – Classic (Sidebar)

Project over £1000 – DCH new windows and doors

The old and drafty windows and main front door of Dunvegan Community Hall were replaced after many y...

Small Grant – Christmas Decorations for DCH

DCT were happy to grant £267.00 to The Dunvegan Hall Committee to purchase some new Christmas decora...

Project – Defibrillators

This was a collaborative project between Dunvegan Community Council and Dunvegan Community Trust.  T...

Charities Grant: Shinty Trip

A group of shinty playing girls from Portree High School have the amazing, once in a lifetime , oppo...

Reminder of AGM!

Just a reminder that we will be holding our first AGM as a SCIO tonight Thursday 18th January in Dun...

Notice of AGM!

Bliadhna mhath ùr! We will be holding our first AGM as a SCIO on Thursday 18th of January in Dunvega...

Dunvegan Playpark Crowdfunder Launched!

We’ve launched a Dunvegan Playpark Crowdfunder to get us closer to realising this great projec...

Dunvegan Playpark Project Boost!

The Dunvegan Playpark sub-committee received fantastic news last Friday, that Skye councillors have ...