Dunvegan Community Trust is a registered Scottish charity (SCIO) that strives to further community development in Dunvegan, Isle of Skye, through various initiatives. Our vision is to create a thriving, sustainable, and inclusive community, addressing the specific needs and aspirations of our residents. Community Admin Officer – Part time DCT is looking to support its community development activities, requiring the engagement of a part-time Community Admin Officer (CAO). It is proposed that the ...Read More
DCT provide an annual grant to DCC as a way to get funds out into the community in as efficient a way possible. “The Community Council are always grateful to the Dunvegan Community Trust for the yearly grant which allows the Community Council to support various deserving causes throughout the year, for example supporting the cost of maintaining grass cutting through the summer months both in the community and in St Marys Church and old cemetery. Assisting with the Christmas lights. Amazon...Read More
Dunvegan Playpark Committee has been fundraising tirelessly to raise funds for the much needed new park! On the 27th of July they will be running a cafè serving lunch, baking and teas and coffees to the visitors over for the Macleod Parliament (the four yearly world gathering of the clan Macleod hosted by Dunvegan Castle) – any donations of baking will be gratefully received! They are also looking for more volunteers to help out on the day, setting up, serving and clearing up – email...Read More
As most folk locally know, HIE is selling Orbost Estate, and it was always the intention that it would go into community ownership. When HIE first approached DCT about the sale several years ago, DCT commissioned a feasibility study to look into buying the whole estate (excluding the farm and small holdings , which are not part of the sale), as well as several surveys to gauge community support. The feasibility study and surveys are on the DCT website to view. The general reaction to the propos...Read More
The following email has been received from Scottish Woodlands: “Scottish Forestry have identified a positive infection of Phytophthora ramorum within the larch trees along the 2 churches walk. This is a fungal disease which kills larch, and to try and slow the spread and impacts Scottish Forestry demand that infected stands be felled. As managing agents, Scottish Woodlands Ltd. are therefore in the planning stages of working out how the impacted woodlands may be felled and extracted while minimi...Read More
Dunvegan Community Trust are excited to be working on a project to redevelop the play park in the village. The current play park has been neglected for some time, and with The Highland Council having no plans to renovate it themselves, we would like to create a new and exciting play park on the current site. Volunteers have commissioned a project design from play equipment specialists Kompan and are working with the council to transfer the site into community use. To help us deliver this project...Read More
Website launch! Hooray!
Dunvegan Parent Council applied for and was granted £7228 funding for a full year of forest school provision during Covid 19 and a poly club up at the school. Due to the pandemic children were encouraged to spend as much time in outdoors or in ventilated spaces as possible, so this supported their outdoor learning; the children get to grow their own fruit and veg as well as use it as an outdoor classroom.