DCT provides an annual grant to DCC as a way to get funds out into the community in as efficient a way possible. This has included extra grass cutting over and above what the Highland Council currently provide, providing financial support to the newly formed ‘Dunvegan Brigade’, the erection of the annual Christmas street lights and financial help to set up the new website skye.scot and purchase of wraparound signage to help the tourists.
The Highland Council only have provisions to be able to cut the area at St Mary’s Church, Dunvegan, twice a year, but this means that the area becomes so overgrown and dangerous for folk to visit. DCC have employed a local grass cutter to cut the area a further 2 times during the summer. with financial help from DCT. This keeps the area much tidier and more welcoming for visitors to visit.
DCT also helped with the cost of repairing and renewing the signage at St Mary’s Church which will help to keep the area visible to visitors and locals alike, meaning that folk will be able to visit the area.