Individual or Organisation Name:
If Applicable please give a brief description of group and its activities:
Who is the main Contact for this Application?
Telephone Number
Position in Organisation
About your project
Project Name
Describe the purpose for which funding is being sought:
Please provide details of when and where your project will take place or be delivered:
Please describe how it complies with our funding criteria and the DCT objectives listed below in Terms and Conditions and Guidance.
Please Specify the amount requested, with a break down of the figures involved, and please attach evidence associated with the figures.
If any other funding to support this project is available or has been applied for please detail below, including whether it is to be confirmed.
Is your organisation VAT registered
Has your organisation applied to Dunvegan Trust Previously?yes (If yes fill out details below)
Date of application
Amount of funding requested
approved or declinedapproveddeclined
Additional Documentation (use the upload link below to submit): If you are a constituted group please provide A) copy of the constitution B) A copy of the 2 most recent accounts C) A list of membership of the current committee
Applicants must sign the following statement as an indication that they agree with the terms of under which funding is granted. Statement: To the best of my knowledge the information on this form is true and accurate. I confirm that I am authorised to complete this application and have read and agree to the terms and conditions 1. In the event that the group does not complete the project for which support has been agreed, I/ the group will 1) Inform the trustees of DCT and 2) Repay a portion or all of the funding awarded if necessary. 2. The Dunvegan Community Trust SCIO must be acknowledged as a supporter of the project in any public announcements 3. The Dunvegan Community Trust SCIO reserves the right to publicise this assistance and include it in a public record of grants 4. The Dunvegan Community Trust SCIO Will require to see copies of all invoices paid and receipts etc in respect of this project. 5. The decision of the Trustees of the The Dunvegan Community Trust SCIO is final, once a decision is made the Committee will not enter into any further correspondence or discussion on the decision.
I declare that all information within this form is correct yes
Name: Signature (required)
It is suggested you speak to a Trustee or our Development officer before submitting an application. Principles of the Fund: The fund can be used for projects defined under the “Objects” of the Dunvegan Community Trust SCIO Constitution. Our Objectives are intentionally broad, so for example, Community development can cover a range of initiatives, from physical community assets to projects which tackle isolation within our community, promote social wellbeing, make us more sustainable and resilient etc. It’s advisable to speak to a trustee or our development officer before submitting your application, especially if you are unclear as to which objectives your project fits, and we will do our best to assist you. See our website committee members under Get Involved
1. The advancement of education
2. The advancement of Community Development
3. The advancement of heritage and culture
4.The provision or organisation of recreational facilities with the object of improving the conditions of life for the people of Dunvegan.
As our funds are primarily the Community Benefit fund from Ben Aketil Windfarm, restrictions apply and the funding may not be used for the following: 1) to fund religious groups or political parties or projects for the promotion of any specific political or religious purpose. 2) To replace funding for projects already funded through the public sector 3) To oppose, obstruct or object to the development, construction or operation of the Wind Farm or any other wind farm. 4) For projects or activities that are contrary to the interests of the Windfarm. 5) to fund private businesses Please also read our Eligibility Guidelines and If in any doubt, consult a trustee
Your application will be assessed by a full quorum of Trustees at a Committee meeting that will take place on a quarterly basis. Funding may be awarded in full, or in part depending on the availability of funding and the positive stated outcomes that the funding will achieve. Applicants will be required to sign a grant acceptance form prior to the release of the funding.
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