Community Action Plan Update – Event 18th January


Since the launch of the Community Action Plan (CAP) Project we’ve commissioned a Communities Housing Trust Housing Need survey for the area, held 3 informal drop ins to provide more info on the CAP process and what can be included in our plan,  6 themed drop-ins around the CAP Topics, which have been pulled from feedback at meetings and previous surveys, and engaged with groups like the Primary school pupils, the Senior citizens lunch club and Dunvegan Traders Association, the Hall Committee and the NW Skye Football Club.

Thank you so much to all the individuals and businesses who contributed to the housing survey! We haven’t had a full report back yet, but we had a good response rate, that demonstrated a very strong need for housing in the area. The information gathered will contribute to the Action Plan and the full report will be shared as soon as it’s available.

 If you haven’t been able to attend any of the events we’ve held so far, fear not! We’ll be in Dunvegan Hall next Saturday the 18th with stalls covering all the topics of the plan:

Land and Sea, Housing, Sport and Leisure, Children Families and Young People, Music and Culture, Environment Climate and Invasives, Transport Paths and Getting Around, Community Resilience and Health. 

This is an opportunity to see all the information has been gathered so far in one place, and talk about challenges and potential, how we can best hold public bodies to account and what we can do together to make a positive impact. We will also have lots of MAPS. It’s important to include a spatial element – what physical sites in the area might be suitable for enhanced parking provision? housing? allotments? What paths need improvement? What would make getting around the village safer at the height of the season? What areas do we want to see stay just as they are? What Gaelic place names are at risk of not being passed to the next generation? 

We’ll have the wonderful Katharine Macfarlane  in residence with activities for the kids – to keep them occupied so their parents can chat but also so they can contribute their feedback through activities! We’ll also be joined by Catherine MacPhee from Skye and Lochalsh Archive Centre with displays and chat about Dunvegan, and Community Enterprise will be on hand to talk about the nuts and bolts of community based plans. 

If you have an area of expertise relevant to the plan and have info you would like to share, bring it along! 

There will also be soup, tea and coffee and baking in case anyone gets peckish. 

We’ll also be launching the Main Community Survey on the 18th- this is a chunky survey covering all the topics of the CAP. It will be available online, and a hardcopy will also be delivered to every permanent residence in the Dunvegan CC area. It’s common to offer an incentive for completing large CAP surveys because they take time and it is so essential to have a good response rate. Each completed survey from DCC residents will be entered into a prize draw to win one of 3 prizes of £100-  using a paper raffle ticket for paper surveys and a unique number for online surveys (Respondees can also opt out of this if they like). We will also be separate surveys  for teens/young people, and for primary aged children, which will be sent to the school. 

All responses will be confidential, and the DCT committee *will not* have access to raw survey data.  

Please pop in and have a look – whether you stay for 5 minutes or all afternoon – we want to see as many folk as possible!


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