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Project over £1000 – DCH new windows and doors

The old and drafty windows and main front door of Dunvegan Community Hall were replaced after many years of use. The old windows and doors were in such disrepair, some of them not even closing properly, these new additions will help to keep the hall warmer and be a more inviting place for people to ...Read More

Small Grant – Christmas Decorations for DCH

DCT were happy to grant £267.00 to The Dunvegan Hall Committee to purchase some new Christmas decorations for use in the hall.  The hall is used by a varied number of groups who would all benefit from a little extra Christmas cheer.  These decorations will be able to be used for years to come to dec...Read More

Project – Defibrillators

This was a collaborative project between Dunvegan Community Council and Dunvegan Community Trust.  The project was to buy 4 new life saving defibrillators to be sited in Dunvegan and the surrounding areas, Harlosh & Roag.  Given the huge area that the Dunvegan Community Council covers, there wer...Read More

Charities Grant: Shinty Trip

A group of shinty playing girls from Portree High School have the amazing, once in a lifetime , opportunity to go to a jam packed Camp in New Jersey USA in June 2024.  To help make this possible they are looking at various ways of fundraising.  There is a year long programme of work in the lead up t...Read More

Reminder of AGM!

Just a reminder that we will be holding our first AGM as a SCIO tonight Thursday 18th January in Dunvegan Hall from 6pm, for anyone who can make it. There will be a pot of soup and baking so no-one gets peckish and the chance to look at the preliminary plans for Gaeltec and feedback about them, as w...Read More

Notice of AGM!

Bliadhna mhath ùr! We will be holding our first AGM as a SCIO on Thursday 18th of January in Dunvegan Community Hall. It’s always tricky to get a time to suit everyone, so we have opted for 6pm with soup and ea and coffee, and a bit of homebaking! This Annual meeting is open to all members, and we w...Read More

Dunvegan Playpark Crowdfunder Launched!

We’ve launched a Dunvegan Playpark Crowdfunder to get us closer to realising this great project. The Dunvegan Playpark Committee has been working closely with Kompan, a leading designer of accessible, sustainable playground equipment, to design a state of the art park for Dunvegan. The project...Read More

Dunvegan Playpark Project Boost!

The Dunvegan Playpark sub-committee received fantastic news last Friday, that Skye councillors have decided to allocate £30,983 amenities funding to the Dunvegan Community Playpark Project. In the current climate of budget squeezes, this comes as very welcome news to what is a very ambitious project...Read More