Dunvegan Parent Council applied for and was granted £7228 funding for a full year of forest school p...
Website launch! Hooray!
Website launch! Hooray!
Dunvegan Community Trust formed a new committee in early August 2020 and one of the first things we ...
Dunvegan Community Hall- most recently DCT provided a grant of £1775 forimproved sanitation and main...
Education and Development Grants- DCT also provides funding for educationand training, and has provi...
Dunvegan Senior Citizens Lunch Club most recently received a grant of£1388.19 to support the local l...
Loch Dunvegan Moorings Association received a grant of £80k towardsPontoon Development, and addition...
Dunvegan Community Council received 2 awards for the purchase of Christmas Lights for the street lig...
Dunvegan Parent Council recieved an award of £1200 for education packs tobe sent to every child in D...
DCT won best Community Project award for its Scottish Ambulancecommunity response vehicle project @ ...
Dunvegan Community Council receives an annual Grant of £4000 from DCT to use for their own schemes a...
Open until the 18th of Feb.
Link to DCC residents’ survey here- https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BLWBGS3
DCC residents can follow instructions upon completion to enter the draw for 1 of 3 prizes of £100.
Link to young person survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VWFQ55P
Link to non DCC resident survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VWH3G7S