Blog Grid – Modern (4 Columns)

Reminder of AGM!

Just a reminder that we will be holding our first AGM as a SCIO tonight Thursday 18th January in Dun...

Notice of AGM!

Bliadhna mhath ùr! We will be holding our first AGM as a SCIO on Thursday 18th of January in Dunvega...

Dunvegan Playpark Crowdfunder Launched!

We’ve launched a Dunvegan Playpark Crowdfunder to get us closer to realising this great projec...

Dunvegan Playpark Project Boost!

The Dunvegan Playpark sub-committee received fantastic news last Friday, that Skye councillors have ...

Gaeltec Buildings: Registering an interest under the Community Right to Buy

DCT are taking advantage of a tool within Community Right to Buy legislation to formally register an...

Gaeltec Buildings: Community Survey and Scottish Land Fund Update

Gaeltec Building: Community Survey and Scottish Land Fund Dunvegan Community Trust would like to tha...

Notice of Community Council Elections

Sharing on behalf of Dunvegan Community Council Notice of Community Council Elections  

Dunvegan Housing, School and Pitch plans shelved by Highland Council: Joint Statement from Dunvegan Community Trust and Dunvegan Parent Council

While we all feared this was coming, given the financial backdrop, we cannot stress enough the sever...

Defibrillator Project – with Dunvegan Community Council

Dunvegan Community Council approached DCT a few months ago to propose a project installing 4 defibri...

Gaeltec Buildings – Community Survey

We are excited to launch a community survey as part of our ongoing efforts to pursue a community buy...

Windfarm information- Latest News

Muirhall has submitted an application for the Windfarm Glen Ullinish II. The following is informatio...