Fàilte gu Urras Coimhearsnachd Dhùn Bheagain
Welcome To Dunvegan Community Trust

Help Shape Community Development

Funding Available to Local Groups

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What Is the Dunvegan Community Trust?

Dunvegan Community Trust was set up initially as an unincorporated association in 2009, with the primary aim of distributing the Community Benefit Fund generated by the Ben Aketil Windfarm. Funding has been available to constituted, not-for-profit groups that operate in The Dunvegan area, and over £250,000 has been distributed since the fund was established.

In 2022 DCT successfully applied to become a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation) , which is a legal form unique to Scottish charities, this will allow the Trust to run its own projects in a more ambitious and progressive way, which opens the door for the purchase of land and buildings and helping develop local assets for the future. The SCIO constitution has also been approved by Scottish Ministers to ensure it is compliant with Right to Buy legislation. Our new Charity Number is SC052078.

See our Membership section for more information about the SCIO aims and the responsibilities of Trustees and Members. Dunvegan Community Trust SCIO will also continue to support local charities and individuals through grant funding, as it has done in the past.

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Loch Dunvegan Moorings Association received a grant of £80k
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Dunvegan Community Hall
Dunvegan Community Hall awarded grant of £1775
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Polytunnel at Dunvegan Primary School
Dunvegan Parent Council awarded £7228 for a School polycrub
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Lunch Club
Dunvegan Senior Citizens Lunch Club receive grant of £1388.19
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Dunvegan children benefit from special Covid-19 fund

Here to help.

We helped local children with supplies during the covid pandemic.

North West Skye F.C

North West Skye F.C

North West Skye Football Club received funding to purchase some much needed equipment and a new set of goals.

Falck Best Community Award Winner 2018

Award won!

Falck Best Community Award Winner 2018

Membership of DCT SCIO- Membership is free of charge

We have three levels of membership; Full, Junior and Associate. All membership applications will be responded to within 1 month .

Full Member
  • Aged 16 and over and must be registered to vote at an address in DCT area
  • Full voting rights and can stand for election to the committee
  • Regular updates and newsletters
Junior Member
  • You must be aged between 12 and 15
  • No voting rights but can contribute on community issues
  • Regular updates and newsletters
Associate Member
  • Individuals not resident in the DCT area or Groups, wherever located
  • No voting rights but can contribute on community issues
  • Regular updates and newsletters

Our Catchment Area

Project and skills development grants must benefit the residents of the Dunvegan are (Which includes the surrounding townships of Harlosh, Feorlig, Vatten, Roag, Herebost, Orbost, Horneval, Greep, Claigan and Uiginish).

Dunvegan Trust SCIO has the following aims:

  1. The advancement of education.
  2. The advancement of community development.
  3. The advancement of heritage and culture.
  4. The provision of recreational facilities, or the organisation of recreational activities, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the people of Dunvegan.

Please visit our contact page and send us an email!

DCT is committed to advancement of Fair Work First Criteria. We actively encourage 1:1 discussions between the Board and volunteers or contractors undertaking work with us. While we are not an Employer, those contracted to DCT are paid above the Real Living Wage. We have an empathetic attitude to the work:life balance necessary to ensure the sustainability of the work that we all do together, and endeavour to offer flexible work patterns to self employed staff and realistic expectations of volunteers, and have an up to date Equality Policy.
We carry out regular surveys of staff and volunteers.
