Membership Checkout

Membership Level change

You have selected the Associate Member membership level.

  • Aged 16 and over
  • You are not a full time resident of the DCT defined community but you have personal or business connections to the area and would like to be updated of news.
  • No voting rights and you cannot stand for election, but you could become a temporary co-opted member if your expertise or skills would help progress one of the SCIO's projects.

The price for membership is £0.00 now.

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Dunvegan Community Trust SCIO

Terms Of Service

Members have a responsibility to act in the interests of the SCIO, and seek, in
good faith, to ensure the SCIO acts in a manner which is consistent with its charitable purposes.
Members can also volunteer their time in Trust administered projects they care about or have a
particular interest in. We will not condone anti social behaviour on the site, and withhold the right to revoke user memberships at any time.

Scottish Charity Number: SC052078