Blog Large – Classic (Centered)

Christmas Lights

Dunvegan Community Council received 2 awards for the purchase of Christmas Lights for the street lights in Dunvegan, in 2020 and 2022.

Dunvegan Parent Council recieved an award of £1200

Dunvegan Parent Council recieved an award of £1200 for education packs tobe sent to every child in Dunvegan Nursery and Primary School during thefirst Covid 19 Lockdown.

Community Project award for its Scottish Ambulance
community response vehicle project

DCT won best Community Project award for its Scottish Ambulancecommunity response vehicle project @ the Falck Renewables Communityawards 2019

Dunvegan Community Council awarded an annual grant of £4000

Dunvegan Community Council receives an annual Grant of £4000 from DCT to use for their own schemes and maintenance around the DCC area.

Dunvegan Parent Council was awarded £5000 in 2017

Dunvegan Parent Council was awarded £5000 in 2017 to help fund Schooltrips for a period of 3 years, and £1350 to fund Arts and Music Workshops for3 years

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